By the way, this is a work in progress, this isn't ALL my games

Torresmo: Victory Lap

"Congratulations, hero! You have successfully defeated the dastardly lich and put an end to their evil scheme! What you didn't expect, however, is for the escape to be a race for your life, as the collapsing castle attempts to bring you down with it! Victory lap is a short game where you play as an unnamed cat adventurer, performing tricky platforming challenges with new curses containing varying effects befalling you at regular intervals. This game was made as part of godot wild jam #54"

-From the game's page.

This was actually one of (if not THE) first game i actually COMPLETED with the help of my co-dev, who came in very clutch and agreed to stay up overnight finishing this damn thing because we procrastinated on it quite a long while. Oops!

Despite the crunch during the later parts of the project, this was a ton of fun to work on! The simplistic style gave me some leniency when it came to making the sprites (though one of the enemies was still a bit troubling to work on Xp) and the speedrun-esque style of the game was something that let us play around with trying some different gameplay elements. Though, for the reasons described earlier, we weren't able to realize quite a few of them (for instance, there was supposted to be a bossfight at the end, but we ended up not having the time! >x[). In part, this is why we've discussed the idea of a sequel quite often, but i can't exactly make any promises just yet.

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