Website news

--26/12/23 7:44 PM--

Hello! Was very busy this past month. Sorry about that! Anyways, now i ACTUALLY managed to make this website look even mildly presentable on lower resolutions. Don't get me wrong, i mean, i still wouldn't say it's quite made for 'em, but it works! Still yet to make it work on mobile though, that's not gonna be for a while because it's a uh, difficult task for me, to say the least. Still though, we're back, babey!

--21/11/23 05:40 AM--

Tried to do a thing that'd make the website work on lower resolutions. Did not work, completely broke everything, it's fixed now. I will no longer be updating the live version before i'm sure something works, oops!

--20/11/23 14:13 AM--

Added a button for you to kill the scolipede. I don't know why you would but it's there.

--20/11/23 11:48 AM--

Made this very window here scroll! I was originally gonna start just deleting old updates as the changelog got too large to hold them but i thought wait, that's dumb! So instead i spent the past hour trying to figure out how overflow works in CSS and why the text was being weird and why text was getting out of the box which lead me to finally understanding how to PROPERLY use the absolute position. It was certainly a learning experience! Though i'm happy i had it. I feel like i know how to do more stuff now! Which is the exact definition of a learning experience and sounds a little dumber when i spell it out! Anyways, yeah! The news scrolls now! Hopefully it didn't break anything!

--20/11/23 0:12 AM--

Simple update, just added some website badges, will add more in the future, and change the location of the badges to look better! Don't have the energy to do much more right now, i'm really sleepy...

--19/11/23 7:42 AM--

Ok, FINE. Final update for the night, changed the background on the TBH gifypet and gave it a sound warning. Now i'm gonna try and go to bed, i promise!

--19/11/23 7:16 AM--

Changed the layout of the website a little bit, removed the whole "html tutorials" button because that's easily accomplished by a bookmark, like, cmon. Also! Made it so the audio player is opened manually by pressing a button, instead of automatically upon entering the site. Wasn't a fan of the idea of getting music jumpscared when you enter the website, not to mention it always starts on the same song, so that beggining part of the track would get real tiring real quick! Now, i know what you're thinking. "Jackie?! 7:16 AM??? Go to bed!" And, yeah. I'll try and do that right now, been doing this to keep my brain busy while i wait for the sleepyness to set in lol. Also, i know the art and blogging sections are incomplete, i'll work on that, aswell as overhauling the actual index to have info on me and what i like and do, tomorrow.

--19/11/23 6:20 AM--

Added a music player! This took a bit of tweaking to get working, but y'know, it being held there by ductape isn't much of a problem when it's the case for the whole rest of the website! But you don't know that, hehe. Unless you actually know stuff about html, in which case please do not look at the source code it's a mess in there. Though i wonder if having all this "stuff" in the main page makes it a bit much, i also like the fact it's a bit crowded with pointless stuff. Reminds me of those old school websites, which is exactly what i'm going for! I'm such a good website designer, you guys.

--19/11/23 5:32 AM--

Website currently in maintenance, shit might look a little weird because i do updates right on the main build which is a habit i really need to lose because oh boy is it not a good one! Haha